24/7 Contact lenses vending machines

Which locations are avalible in sundays and holidays?

Many of you need to buy contact lenses "for now" on Sundays and holidays. Soczewkomaty was created precisely to enable you to make immediate purchases on usually non-commercial days.

- Petrol Station BP Krakowiak, Aleja Generała Tadeusza Bora-Komorowskiego 39, near CH Serenada Kraków
- Galeria Kazimierz, first floor
- Balice Air Port

- Petrol Station BP Opal, ul. Grójecka 125a 
- Przejście podziemne pod Rondem 40-latka, zejście od strony Hotelu Mariot, w lokalu po lewej stronie obok kwiaciarni
- Atrium Targówek, piętro +1 przy wyjściu na parking i wjazdu na siłownię - o ile czynna jest siłownia jest dostęp do tego korytarza
- Złote Tarasy, wyjście od strony ul. Złotej przy Inetmedio

- Galeria Przymorze - near restaurants

- CH Malta, near TK MAXX

- Galeria Pomorska - entrance to Carefour'a
- CH Focus - entrance to Carefour'a

- Atrium Copernicus - near GUESS and EUROAPTEKA

- CH Ogrody - near travelator and TK MAXX 

Other locations of Soczewkomaty may also be available as long as the entrance to the gallery is open - usually where there is a cinema and restaurants. We suggest you contact the gallery directly. The contact number can be found in google after entering the name of the gallery with the note "contact".